Dieses Projekt wird durch die Senatorin für Arbeit, Soziales, Jugend und Integration aus Mitteln des Landes und des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus gefördert.
Dieses Projekt wird durch die Senatorin für Arbeit, Soziales, Jugend und Integration aus Mitteln des Landes und des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus gefördert.

Welcome to MoBA

Counselling centre for mobile workers and victims of labour exploitation in the state of Bremen

We support foreign mobile workers, mainly from the European Union, who work temporally or are searching for work in Germany. We consult in questions regarding labor law.

  • Do you have an employment contract?
  • Do you get the wage which was promised to you?
  • Do you know if you have the right to get a minimum wage?
  • Do you work unpaid overtime?
  • Do you know how many days of payed holyday you are entitled to?
  • Does your work endanger your health?
  • Do you know if you have accident and health insurances?

Do you feel you are treated unfairly? You have rights, independently of your immigration status and regardless of whether or not you have a written employment contract.

Talk to us. Our consultation is free of charge:

  • The consultation takes place in our advisory centers.
  • We support you and mediate contacts with local government offices, public authorities and other institutions.
  • We speak Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, English and German. If necessary, interpreting services can be provided for other languages.

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